Working Group Content
Here you will find materials related to working group webinars such as Webinar Topic Summaries and links to recordings and presentation slides.
Please visit the Justice Tech Working Group Webinar Recap page for information about and access to recordings of our previous calls.
From time to time, the working group will create collaborative content to provide information and guidance to pressing issues. This content is collected and published in the working group Contribution List, Resource: SRLN Justice Tech Working Group Contributions List (SRLN 2021).
Contact [email protected] to learn more about the working group or suggest a resource you think should be added to our list.
About SRLN Working Groups: If you are a justice system professional, you may request membership through our Sign-Up page. Please note, some groups limit their listserv to individuals working in a specific area. However, limited membership groups often host webinars and teleconferences that are available to the broader community. In order to receive these announcements, you must join the general listserv by completing the sign-up page.

Resource: SRLN Justice Tech Working Group Write-ups (SRLN 2021)

Webinar: Panel Interview with ATJ Tech Entrepreneurs in the Time of COVID-19 (SRLN 2020)

Working Group: Justice Tech Entrepreneurs Webinar Recap