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SRLN 2018 Conference
Thank you for making the 2nd Annual Conference a Success!
2nd Annual Self-Represented Litigation Network (SRLN) Conference
in affiliation with the
Judicial Council of California Center for Families, Children and the Courts' Family Law Facilitator and Self-Help Center Conference
Designing & Engaging the 100% Access to Civil Justice Ecosystem
February 22-23, 2018
Pre-Conference Events February 21, 2018
San Francisco, CA
A two-day in-person national conference offered by the Self-Represented Litigation Network (SRLN) and the Judicial Council of California Center for Families, Children & the Courts for lawyers, judges, clerks of court and court administrators, self-help services professionals, librarians, technologists, funders and other allied professionals to explore and develop successful strategies and new thinking for providing 100% access to justice. Continuing education credits may be available. Find out if your state has MCLE reciprocity with California.
Thursday, February 22 through Friday, February 23, 2018
At the conclusion of the programming Thursday, there will be a reception followed by affinity dinners.
Pre-Conference programming for judges and early career self-help staff will be held February 21, 2018.
Judicial Council of California, Milton Marks Conference Center
455 Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco, CA 94102.
Main Conference: Early bird registration will be $150 through February 1st. Regular registration will be $200.
Pre-Conference: $75.
Invitation and Justification Letter
Participants are responsible for their own travel and lodging.
AGENDA & SESSION MATERIALS: Review the SRLN18 Conference Sched
PRESENTER INFO: All presenters must register for the conference.