Year Published:

Resource: Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) for Courts

Published by the Joint Technology Committee,  “ODR for Courts” provides an overview of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), the benefits it may bring a justice system, as well recommendations for jurisdictions considering implementation of an ODR program.  Read together with its companion document “Case Studies in ODR for Courts - a view from the front lines“  these bulletins provide an essential foundation for those interested in how ODR can impact access to justice.

From the abstract:

"Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) encompasses a broad array of technologies used to resolve a growing variety of business and consumer disputes throughout the world. It has grown to become a distinct and particularly effective dispute resolution mechanism. Courts have implemented ODR for low-dollar personal injury claims, landlord-tenant, small claims, and minor traffic and code enforcement violations. ODR presents opportunities for courts to expand services while simultaneously reducing costs and improving customer experience and satisfaction. This Resource Bulletin provides a basic primer in Online Dispute Resolution and describes several implementation models, as well as court-specific opportunities and considerations. A companion publication – Case Studies in ODR for Courts: A view from the front lines – describes ODR implementations in a variety of court settings."
