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Resource: Legal Information vs. Legal Advice - Examples
Here is a compilation of examples of documents which programs have used to provide guidance as court staff or navigators offer assistance. These materials include samples from programs described in the nonlawyer navigator study as well as examples from additional states which have specific guidelines. The compilation is certainly not an exhaustive list of legal information vs. legal advice documents across the country, but maybe useful for review as program leaders create new nonlawyer navigator programs. Note: all of the programs described in the nonlawyer navigator study are legal information programs.
Many of the documents within this compilation are publicly available; other items may have been excerpted from internal manuals or guides used by programs. Documents include court orders; official guidance provided to court staff as well as volunteers in a state or court; items excerpted from nonlawyer navigator training or operations handbooks such as, “dos and don’ts” cards that highlight the differences between legal information and legal advice. Note: not all documents may be current, whether public or internal to programs.
Below are additional examples of states providing guidance about legal information and legal advice: