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Report: The Sustainable 21st Century Law Library: Vision, Deployment and Assessment for Access to Justice (Zorza 2012)
Richard Zorza writes that “this is a moment of opportunity for law libraries to transform themselves as leaders in providing access to justice for all as part of a broad alignment of the legal system.” He notes that law libraries are becoming entry points into the courts for more individuals. According to Zorza, a 21st century law library should have a mission to enhance access to justice by providing legal information and tools for “those engaged with the justice system, including litigants and those facing legal issues, attorneys, court staff, the judiciary, and other governmental organizations.” This report, prepared in close collaboration with SRLN, analyzes how law libraries can remain relevant by transforming themselves into access to justice centers. It addresses issues of mission, materials, technology, staffing, management, and evaluation.
The report can be downloaded at the link below: