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Article: Law School Firms and Incubators and the Role of the Academic Law Library (Desai 2013)
According to the abstract, this article examines the recently developed postgraduate, law-school-supported programs intended to provide recent graduates with a continued experiential learning environment in order to bridge the gap between law school and law practice. Both law school firms and practice incubators are discussed. Specifically, this article looks at what, if any, role academic law libraries have within these programs. Lastly, ways in which these libraries might possibly add or improve services to the programs are explored.
The article can be accessed here: Sonal Desai, Law School Firms and Incubators and the Role of the Academic Law Library, Culminating Experience Project for MLIS University of Washington Information School (May 2013), https://depts.washington.edu/uwlawlib/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2018/....