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Tool: Tools for Evaluation of Court-Based Self-Help Centers (California CFCC 2015)
The Equal Access Unit of the California Judicial Branch Center for Families, Children & the Courts, provides materials for courts, court-based self-help programs, and other nonprofit providers of legal self-help services. The Unit provides the following tools for the evaluation of court-based self-help centers:
- Self-Represented Litigant Program: In Court Observer Form
- Self-Represented Litigant Program: Judge Observation Form
- Self-Represented Litigant Program: Judiciary Survey
- Self-Represented Litigant Program: Lawyer Survey
- Self-Represented Litigant Program: Customer Satisfaction Survey
- Self-Represented Litigant Program: Self-Represented Litigant Court Exit Survey
- Self-Represented Litigant Program: Staff Survey
- Trial Court Research and Improvement Consortium Executive Program Assessment Tool: Programs to Assist Self-Represented Litigants
Equal Access Unit Webpage - Tools for Evaluation of Court-Based Self-Help Centers (courts.ca.gov)