Resource: Equal Access Unit of the California Center for Families, Children & the Courts (Judicial Council of California 2015)

The Equal Access Unit of the Center for Families, Children & the Courts has materials available for courts, court-­based self-­help programs, and other nonprofit providers of legal self­-help services.

The materials include sample instructional handouts developed by local courts, translations, brochures, program models, evaluation tools, and ideas for setting up a self­-help center.


Background information on access to justice.

Research & Evaluation

Evaluations from self­-help programs, sample forms, evaluation strategies and links to other research on SRLs.

Program Management

Starting and managing a self-­help center program; includes intake forms, triage tools, brochures, and staff training materials.

Pro Bono

Encouragement from judicial officers and a collection of resources for volunteers.

Service Delivery Models

Information on ways to provide services to self­-represented litigants.

Ethical Issues

Exploring the changing roles of attorneys, judges and court staff in serving self­-represented litigants.

Self­Help Center Staff Resources

Tools and training resources for self-­help staff, as well as recruitment and staff development information.

Instructional Materials

Court­ provided samples of materials, templates, and videos about basic court processes.

Technological Resources

Websites, forms sets, video conferencing and other technological resources to assist self­-represented litigants.

Limited­ English Proficiency (LEP) Materials and Resources

Translated materials and court forms, resources to assist LEP litigants, information on effective programs and information for providing language access.

Conferences and Trainings

Materials from upcoming and past conferences and trainings.


Current and past issues of the Equal Access Newsletter.