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Resource: Equal Access Unit of the California Center for Families, Children & the Courts (Judicial Council of California 2015)
The Equal Access Unit of the Center for Families, Children & the Courts has materials available for courts, court-based self-help programs, and other nonprofit providers of legal self-help services.
The materials include sample instructional handouts developed by local courts, translations, brochures, program models, evaluation tools, and ideas for setting up a self-help center.
Background information on access to justice. |
Evaluations from self-help programs, sample forms, evaluation strategies and links to other research on SRLs. |
Starting and managing a self-help center program; includes intake forms, triage tools, brochures, and staff training materials. |
Encouragement from judicial officers and a collection of resources for volunteers. |
Information on ways to provide services to self-represented litigants. |
Exploring the changing roles of attorneys, judges and court staff in serving self-represented litigants. |
SelfHelp Center Staff Resources Tools and training resources for self-help staff, as well as recruitment and staff development information. |
Court provided samples of materials, templates, and videos about basic court processes. |
Websites, forms sets, video conferencing and other technological resources to assist self-represented litigants. |
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Materials and Resources Translated materials and court forms, resources to assist LEP litigants, information on effective programs and information for providing language access. |
Materials from upcoming and past conferences and trainings. |
Current and past issues of the Equal Access Newsletter. |