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Article: 20 Things Judges Can Do to Encourage Attorneys to Provide Limited Scope Representation (California Judges Association 2003)
Published in the Summer 2003 edition of The Bench, a news journal of the California Judges Association, this article provides advice for judges who wish to encourage attorneys to provide limited scope representation, also called discrete task representati ...

Article: A Judge’s View on the Benefits of ‘Unbundling’ (Juhas 2015)
This is an article about the value of unbundling by Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Mark A. Juhas, who has presided in family court since he was appointed to the bench in 2002. He also chairs the California Commission on Access to Justice and teac ...
Resources: California Judicial Education Framework (CA 2022)
Judicial Council of California Center for Judicial Education & Research home page at California: Handling Cases Involving Self-Represented Litigants: A Benchguide for Judicial Officers (January 2007, Updated 2019) ...