Results 1 - 2 of 2 for 2021, California

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Report: Social Work Practices in California Legal Aid Organizations (OneJustice and The Legal Aid Association of California 2021)

Report: Social Work Practices in California Legal Aid Organizations (OneJustice and The Legal Aid Association of California 2021)

This report seeks to illuminate one particular aspect of the legal aid landscape: the confluence of social work services and civil legal services, which can often be siloed into separate and fragmented service delivery systems. The idea of removing the bo ...

Resource: Navigator Programs' Remote Services (McClymont 2021)

Resource: Navigator Programs' Remote Services (McClymont 2021)

In light of court closures and other operational disruptions occasioned by COVID 19, many court-based nonlawyer navigator programs around the country which had previously provided only in person services to help self-represented litigants (SRLs) in their ...