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Results 381 - 390 of 504 for United States

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Article: Legal Information vs. Legal Advice - Developments During the Last Five Years (Greacen 2001)

Article: Legal Information vs. Legal Advice- Developments During the Last Five Years (Greacen 2001)

This article by John Greacen is an update on his seminal 1995 article, " No Legal Advice from Court Personnel, What Does that Mean? "   Recommended Citation: John Greacen, Legal Information vs. Legal Advice- Developments During the Last Five Yea ...

Article: No Legal Advice from Court Personnel - What Does that Mean (Greacen 1995)

Article: No Legal Advice from Court Personnel- What Does that Mean (Greacen 1995)

This is the seminal article that explores the underlying rationale that resulted in the blanket prohibition of clerk's not being able to provide information to the public for fear that it would be advice. In the article, Greacen suggests the framewor ...

Article: Self-Represented Litigants in Family Law: The Response of California’s Courts (Hough 2010)

Article: Self-Represented Litigants in Family Law: The Response of California’s Courts (Hough 2010)

This article summarizes California's response to self-represented litigants. Recommend Citation: Bonnie Hough,  Self-Represented Litigants in Family Law: The Response of California’s Courts, California L.Review (January 2010) found at ...

Article: Community Courts and Family (Chase, Alexander, Miller 2000)

Article: Community Courts and Family (Chase, Alexander, Miller 2000)

The authors introduce the idea of a community court as an interaction among courts, social service agencies, and the community. They discuss several models, prominent among them the Midtown Community Court in Manhattan, before going on to apply community ...

Article: California’s Family Law Facilitator Program: A New Paradigm for the Courts (Harrison, Chase, Surh 2000)

Article: California’s Family Law Facilitator Program: A New Paradigm for the Courts (Harrison, Chase, Surh 2000)

In 1997, California introduced its Family Law Facilitator Program to guide unrepresented family litigants through the judicial process. The authors, all active facilitators, discuss the program’s development, including some of the hurdles it has overcome. ...

Article: The Disconnect Between the Requirements of Judicial Neutrality and Those of the Appearance of Neutrality when Parties Appear Pro Se: Causes, Solutions, Recommendations, and Implications (Zorza 2004)

Article: The Disconnect Between the Requirements of Judicial Neutrality and Those of the Appearance of Neutrality when Parties Appear Pro Se: Causes, Solutions, Recommendations, and Implications (Zorza 2004)

In this article Richard Zorza explores the concept of engaged neutrality which, when employed by the judge, creates a more transparent and arguably more ethically neutral playing field for the self-represented litigant. Recommended Citation: Richard Zorza ...

Paper: Non-Lawyer Legal Assistance Roles (Clarke 2015)

Paper: Non-Lawyer Legal Assistance Roles (Clarke 2015)

The Utah Supreme Court has created a committee to study the possibility of creating a limited license legal technician- or something along those lines- in Utah. Their report is due out at the end of November. As part of the committee's work, Tom Clar ...

Article: Liberty, Justice, and Legal Automata (Lauritsen 2013)

Article: Liberty, Justice, and Legal Automata (Lauritsen 2013)

This article, by Mark Lauritsen @marclauritsen, expands on the analysis begun by the author in a computer science journal piece called Are We Free To Code The Law? The focus there was whether interactive online services for legal self-helpers can be prohi ...

Remembering Richard Zorza's Contributions to Justice (2019)

Remembering Richard Zorza's Contributions to Justice (2019)

Richard Zorza, the driving force behind the creation of the Self-Represented Litigation Network, died April 13, 2019. A copy of SRLN's notice that was shared on our listservs is attached below. This page is a collection of some of the many resolution ...

Article: Give the People the Law (Maru 2020)

Article: Give the People the Law (Maru 2020)

In this piece for Democracy Journal, Vivek Maru of Namati (an international legal empowerment NGO), analyzes the restrictions on legal help in the United States and argues for an overhaul of unauthorized practice of law regulation to allow for more actors ...