
Report: Sargent Shriver Civil Counsel Act: Report to the Legislature (Judicial Council of California 2020)
On Monday July 13, 2020 at noon eastern, the SRLN Research Working Group hosted a presentation by Bonnie Hough of the California Judicial Council and Kelly Jarvis of NPC Research who reported on the major, multi-year research produced as a result

Webinar: Panel Interview with ATJ Tech Entrepreneurs in the Time of COVID-19 (SRLN 2020)

SRLN Self-Care Resources
SRLN wants to make sure you remember about self-care. Especially during times of crisis we need to care for ourselves before we are able to care for others.

Webinar: How to Incorporate Plain Language into Court Forms, Websites, and Other Materials (NACM 2017)
The National Association for Court Management (nacmnet.org), in partnership with the Self-represented Litigation Network (SRLN), invites you to participate in its third webinar of 2017 on November 29, 201

SRLN Brief: Examples of Legal Aid On-Line Intake and Triage Projects (SRLN 2016)
Over the years, legal aid programs developed complex intake protocols and decision trees to help manage their crushing caseload. Initially, these screening tools were simply paper documents that intake staff could use.

Webinar: Technology Tools to Enhance Legal Services for LEP - Websites, Videos and More (LSNTAP, LSC, ProBonoNet 2014)
In the webinar Technology Tools to Enhance Legal Services for Limited English Proficiency, four panelists (Kathy Daniels, IT Administrator Statewide Legal Services in Connecticut, Rochelle Klempner, Chief Counsel NYS Access to Justice Program, Mik

Webinar: Alaska Family Law Self-Help Center (SRLN 2005)
This webinar on the Alaska Family Law-Self Help Center was presented on May 25, 2005, by the Center's then-co-director (and current SRLN Coordinator) Katherine Alteneder.

Webinar: Evaluating Programs to Assist Self Represented Litigants (SRLN 2005)
This SRLN Webinar from June 21, 2005, presents findings from evaluations of self-help programs for self-represented litigants.

Webinar: Community Partnerships and Collaborations (SRLN 2005)
This SRLN Webinar on building community partnerships and collaborations was presented by Tina Rasnow, Senior Attorney and Coordinator of the Ventura County Self-Help Legal Access Center.

Webinar: Court & Legal Aid Technology Collaborations for Pro Se Litigants (SRLN 2005)
This SRLN webinar discusses the technology collaborations between the courts and legal services for pro se litigants.