SRLN Brief: OCSE Guidance on Collaborative Child Support Activities (SRLN 2016)
The Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) has developed a strong collaboration with the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Access to Justice Initiative.

Agenda and Materials for February 18 Commission Working Group on Judicial Systems Innovations
Dear Colleagues -

News: 2015 TIG Grants Included Five Court Partnership Grants – 2016 Should Bring More As We Build a 100% Access Technology Infrastructure (LSC 2016)
LSC's 2015 TIG grants included five grants to projects being undertaken by legal aid and court partnerships, according to the
Report: My Laws, My Courts, My Maryland Promoting Equal Justice for All (Maryland 2013)
My Laws, My Courts, My Maryland Promoting Equal Justice for All (opens as PDF), published by the Maryland Access to Justice Commission (website

Weblinks: Access to Justice Commissions (ABA 2015)
Access to Justice Commissions are collaborative entitites that bring together courts, the bar, civil legal aid providers, and other stakeholders in an effort to remove barriers to civil justice for low-income and disadvantaged people.