Integration with Institutional Process

Resource: Guiding Principles for Post-Pandemic Court Technology (CCJ/COSCA 2020)
The Conference of Chief Justices (CCJ) and Conference of State Court Administrators (COSCA) published these Guiding Principles for Post-Pandemic Court Technology on July 16, 2020 with the goal to better guide state courts as they moved services to

Resource: Open Referral Initiative (Open Referral 2014)
Open Referral develops data standards and open source tools that make it easier to share, find and use information about health, human, and social services.

Article: The Clearspire Story (Legal Mosaic 2017)
The Clearspire Story, attached below, offers a great case study to consider the conditions determine the success of a legal te

Presentation: What’s In It For Me? How to Use Geospatial Data Visualization to Inform and Engage Decision Makers (EJC 2017)
At the 2017 American Bar Association (ABA) Equal Justice Conference and the

SRLN Brief: Examples of LHI Driven Partnerships (ProBonoNet 2016)
In addition to offering a platform for document assembly, the LHI project has been the catalyst to many significant court, legal aid and community partnerships. Below is a summary of just a few game changing partnerships.

SRLN Brief: Tools for Mobile Engagement with Customers, Clients, Colleagues and Partners* (SRLN 2015)

News: New York Combines Technology, Partners and Re-Engineering Reducing Court Time for DV Victims to Less Than an Hour and Saving Clerks 30 Minutes per File (New York 2015)

Webinar: Court & Legal Aid Technology Collaborations for Pro Se Litigants (SRLN 2005)
This SRLN webinar discusses the technology collaborations between the courts and legal services for pro se litigants.

Report: A Guide to Model Rules for Electronic Filing and Service (Lexis Nexis 2003)
This 2003 guide to model rules for e-filing discusses the use of the model rules, outlines the proposed model rules with commentary, and discusses filing and service procedures.

Webinar: SRLN/SCCLL A2J Webinar I/II - Access to Justice: Who’s Your Partner and Where Are You Going? (SRLN/SCCLL 2015)
Wednesday, Feb. 18, 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Eastern
Panelists: Sara Galligan, Terrye Conroy
Moderator: James Durham